Nikita L Rabelo Pagán, MD - Certificada por ABIM
Point-of-Care Ultrasound SHM/ACCP
Medicina Interna | Manejo de Peso | Medicina Estética
Internal Medicine
Point of Care Ultrasound
Patient empowerment: knowledgeable patients are healthier patients.
Our responsibility is not only to prevent, diagnose and treat, but to educate patients while practicing medicine. In times of so much misinformation, it's our job to step up and bring adequate medical information to digital platforms.
Deglamorizie Medicine: this career is very sacrificed, and it entails many hardships. By sharing my story, I shed light to unspoken truths in the medical field and help pre-meds, med students and residents achieve their goals.
Women in Medicine: taken and filling spaces that were once "not designed" for women. Sexism in Medicine is very real. Talking about it and standing up to it is a way to direct our field towards change.